Our Authors

Joana Dashwood

Joana Dashwood

Joana likes writing since she has finished the Faculty of Journalism in Boise. Her favorite topic is about love. Since lots of people are facing problems with having real healthy relationships, she is trying to help these people and to bring something useful to this world.

Mike Rubic

Mike Rubic

Mike is a specialist in relationships among young people. He has finished Princeton (Psychology Faculty) and at once started practicing his profession. He has helped more than 500 people to find their love. Since writing is his hobby, he decided to do it for our website.

Adrianna Melrose

Adrianna Melrose

Adrianna has been married 4 times. She knows everything about men’s psychology. We have chosen her as our author, since she can explain men what do women want. Furthermore, guides and tips which she gives are considered to be the most interesting and useful.

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